Remote Control Vibrators for Christmas

It was thrilling when Mom unwrapped the first present. It was from Daddy, and it was a vibrator! You would think he would give her something like that in private, but Daddy must think we’re old enough, which is surprising because my little brother isn’t that old.

Anyway, it wasn’t one of those torpedo-shaped vibrators you use on yourself. This one is smaller, so the whole thing can slip inside, and you can wear it under your clothes while no one knows. It is controlled remotely. I made a joke about Mom taking it when we go to the restaurant for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, but she didn’t seem embarrassed at all!

The next present was for me, and it was from Daddy also. I couldn’t believe it when I unwrapped it! It was another vibrator, just like the one Daddy gave to Mom! I was probably blushing before, but this time I was so embarrassed! And yet, it was also really exciting, because all kinds of thoughts went through my mind. I mean, Daddy must have been thinking about me when he bought it for me. Sexual thoughts. And he gave it to me right in front of Mom, so does that mean she thinks it’s okay? Is it okay for Daddy to think about me that way? I guess it’s fun if it’s harmless, right? And my little brother saw, so I know he was thinking about how I would use it. Right then he was probably imagining me putting it inside me and giving myself orgasms with it. Like I said, really embarrassing, but also very arousing. I laughed and gave Daddy a big hug to try to cover my embarrassment.

The next present was for Daddy, from Mom. By now I was really curious what it would be. It was a remote control! For the vibrators! Mom explained to Daddy that it could control either one! I realized then that Daddy and Mom had planned this together. That’s why Mom didn’t seem surprised. But that meant … she wanted Daddy to give me a vibrator, and … she wanted Daddy to control it! Not just hers, which would be sexy, but mine too! I looked at Mom, and I looked at Daddy, and I could see by the looks on their faces that that’s exactly what they meant. I tried to think about what it would be like if Daddy controlled a vibrator inside me. It would feel good, obviously, but it would be something Daddy is doing to me! And what if I had an orgasm?

There was one last present, and it was from my brother, from Mom. By now I knew what it was before he even opened it. It was another control! Mom explained to him that it would control both our vibrators, just like the one Dad has. I couldn’t believe she was saying that! To my little brother! He looked at me, and he was trying to hide his thoughts, but I knew exactly what he was thinking. It made me blush all over again.

That’s when he started asking questions. Lots of them. Some of them were dumb, like what a vibrator does. I mean, I know he looks at porn, and he must have seen one. But Mom explained it anyway. But then he asked questions that I had been afraid to ask. Is he allowed to control our vibrators? Mom said yes. (She was so calm!) Daddy is going to control them too? Even his sister’s? Yes. When can he control them?

Mom said she and I would be wearing them tonight at dinner. She looked at me when she said this, and I knew she meant that I was supposed to also. I was only making a joke when I mentioned dinner, but that was really the plan!

My brother wanted to know, is he supposed to control them while we’re at the dinner table in the restaurant? Mom answered yes. In front of everyone? Yes. What if one of you has an orgasm? (He did understand, I knew it!) Mom said that she certainly hoped that we did!

That shut him up for a moment, and Daddy said it was time to go to dinner. Mom said we should get ready, and I knew what she meant by that. I couldn’t look Daddy or my brother in the eye, I was so embarrassed.

But I was so excited!